Wednesday 21 January 2009

Finally for Now

My photo but Keith Drury's work

Not Just People

trinadejoya: Corser respectfully bows his head during the invocation
and Toby chillin during the inaug

The First Pics In

These - more or less - were the first pics in yesterday. There is a link to all of them here.

But I've pulled them together in one.

The Boot

monkeymad2 from Fort William, Scotland, United Kingdom sent a pic of a Size 10

Just Got Home

Addigator says: I just got home.


From spuget RT'd by unstresst PEACE OUT, BUSH.

This will be an example for Page Layout

Surely it was unintentional? Whether or not this is one for journalism schools in the future.

Thanks to pkgulati:

" A great an funny advertising by Veet the hair removal company - This wins the #byebush competition !! "

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Speed not Style

First, thanks to everyone for joining in. This is the rss address for the Twitter feed:

Thanks to Cybersoc for support and help.

I've been through the first few images - not all are here and those that are are not all that tidy. But over the next few days I'll work on the site.

It's been fun.


Just when you click

Going to School Late

The boys are here, going to school late, cheering on the moment!

BBC canteen in the Mailbox, Birmingham.

From James Thornett

My mom's text msg from the Philippines

Ruddy fire evacuation!

Page 2

Veoki: Let me try this again and see if it shows up.

Grrrl1der: thinks Obama could've said anything, but went with 'hey, lets get together and get this done!' Fantastic!

kittenhotep: "Things do not change. We change".

In No Particular Order

I'm just going to start highlighting some of the great pictures that have been launched in no particular order. If you have favourites I've missed let me know. Then perhaps we'll find ways of highlighting what you all think are the best.

"So glad I could share that with my students!" From Tyrone Twp, PA

This is @Annamara

The pic below is @Edson

Mythbusters crew watches the inauguration.

My Number 1 for now

Well this is the first image from #byebush that had me running for PhotoShop to resige it. You can get the full effect here.

Thanks to Wanka and Family

And the Images Arrive

Over the next few hours, I'll add some pics (not got round to transferring mine yet!)

So thanks to everyone who to this point posted a pic and sent a twitter message tagged #byebush.

The firse image I can see arrived just after the oath was taken. from @JaBbA64 followed pics of Toby and Corser.

monkeymad2 from Fort William, Scotland, United Kingdom sent a pic of a Size 10

Braziel from Belfast Northern Ireland was in fast with a self portrait

And simianlovedoc: tagged his Twitter message #byebush said "So long 43. Hello 44" and uploaded this pic.

Jseadub took a family shot

Meanwhile in Bormingham England James Thornett sent this to Flickr

Simon McC also went the way of a self portrait as did wendykind

I'll be back later in the evening with some more links.

But you can find these yourself by going to Twitter's Search and using the tag #byebush.

Thanks for now - with you again later.


Right up until last night I wasn’t sure where I would be for the Inauguration. But in my email when I got home was an invitation from the appropriately named Presidents Club in Belfast.

It’ll be noon in Washington and 5.00 pm in Belfast.

I’ll start updating this site when I get home from that.

Monday 19 January 2009


(Title in reference to last episode on West Wing and erm... it's happening tomorrow)

Cybersoc has set up a Yahoo Pipes widget to help with tomorrow.
Its just over there to the right ------>>>

I'm making plans for where will be at 17.00 GMT; if it works out I won't be able to get started on this blog until about 19.00 GMT (14.00 EST). But I'll try to set up something now with Cybersoc's help.

Saturday 17 January 2009

New Countries and Followers

So officially one week old, byebush blog has logged

1,141 Visits,
1,013 Absolute Unique Visitors,
1,401 Pageviews
(Source Google Analyitcs)

There are 21 followers to the blog and another 4 countries to add to the list.
Yes Hello Portugal, Saidi Arabia, Quatar and of course PerĂº (which I never knew was spelt with an accent - this site is just about learning learning and more learning).

To this point there have been fewer than 20 Tweets tagged #byebush. So I think it's time to raise the standard and tell someone you know all about the idea.

Hope you are going to be somewhere interesting for the inauguration.

Thursday 15 January 2009

Hello World - as they say in Wordpress Land

Hello and welcome to the new followers of byebush. Thanks for joining in.

I was looking at the Google Analytics from Friday evening until last night, and this is where visitors have been coming from:

United States
United Kingdom
New Zealand
Puerto Rico
South Africa

Of course some countries only had one visitor. But I've never see a blog go quite so viral quite so fast.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

With One Week to Go

Over 700 page visits to this blog since Friday evening. About half are links from Twitter others are as diverse as Huffington Post and James Thornett. So thanks to all of you for linking, visiting, Twittering and following the blog.

Looks like I'll be having a late night next Tuesday. I'll stock up on provisions over the weekend.

Thanks for the support.

Monday 12 January 2009

Eight Days - The Countdown Continues

Hello to the 10 new people who started following this blog since I last posted. Thanks for joining in. And thanks to the people who have retwittered the first and second messages.

Not often that a good idea on a Friday night after a couple of decent Jemisons is still not a bad idea a few days later.

Sunday 11 January 2009

Nine Days to Go

Just had coffee with old friend Mick Fealty (and we are talking about going back to school days). He runs and pointed out something which should be mentioned here.

"Byebush" is what you want it to be - it doesn't have to be anti-bush or pro-bush, it's just #byebush.

Within 27 hours of setting up the site, there were just under 200 visitors.

And catalystformagic suggests the programme of events for the Inaugural is included here.

Saturday 10 January 2009

The Next Morning

The idea of #byebush came about on a Friday evening UK time.

Most people were off doing something other than hanging around Twitter. In the US it was Friday afternoon; again a time for thinking about Friday night and the weekend.So I have been really surprised that the idea has taken off so quickly.

As I write three people are following this blog and there have been a few tweets – most of those are by people who I’ve not linked with until now.

It’s a simple idea. At the moment President Elect Obama becomes President Obama:
  • Take a photo
  • Upload it to the web
  • Post a Twitter with a link and the tag #byebush.

For why? Well, why not?

Friday 9 January 2009

First Hour

A quick twitter to people I follow and suddenly there are followers. Thanks to Jay Rosen and Jim MacMillan (@jayrosen_nyu @JimMacMillan) on twitter for posting the idea within minutes.

So I'll message a few other people tonight and do some serious networking tomorrow. The idea is simple. Talks a photo the moment that President Elect Obama becomes President Obama, post it on your chosen photo sharing site or on your own site and let eveyone know via Tag your message #byebush and we'll track them.


Here is the idea. At the moment that Barak Obama takes the presidential oath and the power of the presidency leaves George W Bush we all take a photograph of where we are, what we are doing and the people around us - or what ever we want to take a photo of.

We post the photo to our favourite photo sharing site (or blog or website as you prefer).

Then to

Send a message tagged #byebush.

I'm not sure what to do after that - ideas welcome.